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A visit from the “Harvesters Men”

Gerard Pomphret a member of Harvesters Men’s group in England together with Dr. Tom Gorman (also a member of The House of the Open Door Community) visited us for a few days before starting their ministry at the Agape Center. We have known them many years and it was such a joy to be able to invite them to our home, as last year they saw just the foundations!

[caption id="attachment_983" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Tom and Gerard Visit from England Tom and Gerard Visit from England

Gerard writes; “Stepping through the entrance we entered a world apart from the local village a few yards away. Peace and homeliness enveloped us… small children looked at us with curiosity….Both Tom and me felt privileged to be allowed into this beautiful place…..My prayer is that the full vision of what this can become, comes about just as the Lord desires, and in His perfect time, to the Glory of His Name. Amen.”

Tom writes; “When we had evening prayers, the children joined in enthusiastically; singing, dancing and waving the little flags that Ludmi has made for them.

I am leaving today for Agape Community with two images in mind, as I think about the three days we spent here. The first is that of an Oasis, a place of refreshment, like that described in Psalm 84, which says:

Blessed are those who find their strength in You,


Whose heart is set on Pilgrimage.


As they pass through the Valley of Weeping


It becomes a place of springs (v. 5-6)

The second is of a high mountain, covered with forest. I have the sense that we have been in one of those places where it is possible to climb the mountain of the Lord, by following faithfully and joyfully the way of life that is called for.”

God bless you both Tom and Gerard come again next year!

“Thank you to our Friends from HOD Community for the cars you sent the children and especial thanks to 8 year old Emanuel Trimming for sending your old books, the children really love them.”tom andGerard1-002tom andGerard1

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